Cloud Callout: Fun things to do .... Fun things to do.... Fun things to do ... Fun things to do ....
By, Benjamin (Be.Be.) BaconRodin, The Thinker

In considering what elements go into the process of decision making in our lives we can discover a lot about why we behave as we do; We can also explain a lot about the human condition. The challenge is to make our examinations objective and impartial. During the times when one feels outside of the boundaries of human society, as an outcast, reflection can lead to such moments of objective discovery that at that time are cast as criticisms of the human race, but are later seen to be something of which we are all guilty- self included. So in order to expedite the latter discovery I state that we all like to have fun. But during one of my outcast moments I observed that fun as an element of life has a powerful effect on human decision making and that we are not fully cognizant of this powerful influence. Corollary to this discovery is the discovery that we do not all have the same idea about what is fun. It seems obvious when you think about it, but the effects of these two conditions on our lives will shock you when they are examined thoroughly.

We do not always see the things that have an effect on us and that is why knowledge is often described as an analog to light. When the things that we have not known become known we say that some new information has come to light. That makes perfectly good sense to me.

My confession is that it is fun, to me, to know things that others do not know. I suspect that a lot of people who pursue science and discovery would agree with me. If I may, I conjecture, in jest, that scientists are often cast as people who are fun challenged because they are continuously giving away the source of fun in their lives; things that they know that others around them do not know. This is in fact a moment of discovery about myself, and it may be bad human behavior to be that way, but as stated earlier, fun is a shocking factor in understanding how we behave. The fun factor can explain so much about our bad behaviors, and why we uncontrollably do things that are detrimental to our own well being.

Now, while I am thinking about the content I need to include in this portion of this web site, Fun Activities, I will consider the fun factor and I might get a truly good result. I promise that I will not allow myself to be selfish with knowledge, one source of fun for me, and in doing so I will become a better person and make the world a better place by one person. Me.  So here goes. I know a lot of new information and the fun factor is just one portion of my exposition. As I sell it all away, gradually, I will replace the loss of fun in my life with some of the fun activities that will appear here. I am hoping that some of you will suggest some fun things to do and help replenish my supply.

In the beginning of this quest for fun, we can note that light has an important role in all of the things that we do for fun. The fun of night life is accentuated by the embellishment of lights utilizing the contrast to darkness to make the impact more enjoyable. Music and movies are made readily accessible by light encoded disks so that we can have a lot of entertainment whenever we want it. This computer screen and all other video  devices like TV and projectors are sources of light based experiences of great value for fun and play. On the more cerebral side of life we have the stars in the sky, a never ending collection of point light sources that fascinate us to ever increasing degrees as we see more and more of the light that is there. And there is man's contribution to the beauty of the world, Art, where we use the properties of light to mimic nature's ability to stimulate awe, emotion, and excitement in us and its ability to make us think something.

In summary, wherever light goes, there also goes fun, and wherever fun is, there also is light. Even the fun of being in darkness depends on us thinking about how light could have been here, but it is not. So can we have fun activities on a web site that focuses on the subject of light? The answer is a resounding YES!